
July, 31 2024 / Dr. V.L. Shyam

Ayurveda treatment - back to roots

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in which the cartilages (smooth end of the bones) at the end of the bones damages over time. Osteoarthritis is the clinical and pathological result of a range of disorders that results in structural and functional failure of our joints. It is the most common progressive musculoskeletal condition that can affect multiple joints, but it mainly affects the weight-bearing joints like knees, hips. Ayurvedic treatment for osteoarthritis is effective and time-tested with lesser side effects.

Who are under risk?

Since it is a degenerative disease, it mostly affects older people. But nowadays, cases increase among younger adults also. In addition to this, obesity, previous injuries, genetics, Vit D deficiency, hormone imbalance, metabolic syndromes like diabetes also increase the risk for developing this condition.

What are the symptoms?

The presentation and progression of Osteoarthritis differ greatly from person to person. Symptoms are usually gradual in onset and progressive which includes joint pain, grating sensation, swelling, joint stiffness and loss of flexibility, physical function impairment and deformity; according to chronicity and severity. Episodic disease flare-ups may also be seen. Our Ayurvedic doctor in Kerala might send the patient for X-Ray, MRI and for blood investigations to pin point the diagnosis. Meniscus tear, chondromalacia patella, cruciate ligament tear can also coexist together with osteoarthritis of the knees.

What is Osteoarthritis in Ayurvedic perspective?

Back to Roots Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala is an NABH accredited facility; we have developed unique protocols for treating osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is correlated to Sandhivata in Ayurveda which is one among the Vata diseases. Vata dosha localized in a particular joint produces symptoms pertaining to Osteoarthritis in that joint. Symptoms arise and worsens if not treated. If the disease is of recent onset, one is having strong general health, not showing any complications then, it is curable with ease. Otherwise it is treatable with difficulty. Ayurveda treatment approaches helps in reducing joint inflammation and prevents wear and tear of bones and cartlages. These therapies also helps in strengthening the muscles and ligaments. Weight management is also an important element to prevent the progression of osteoarthritis. Our doctors at the Ayurveda retreat in Kerala offeres personalized treatments considering various risk components, and complications of osteoarthritis.

What are the treatment modalities in Ayurveda?

‘Breaking the Pathology’ is the principle of treatment at Back to Roots Ayurveda resort in Kerala, which means dissociation of the pathological entities involved – ie. Balance Vata and nourish the bone tissues. Resorting to various external treatments, internal medicines and avoiding the causative factors are equally important for complete cure. The following list of treatments are found to be very effective in Osteoarthritis:

  • Administration of medicated oils and ghees both internally and externally according to the specific dosha involved and prakruthy of patient.
  • Ayurvedic Abhyanga to impart oiliness to the diseased tissues and strength to the surrounding muscles, ligaments and tendons.
  • Kizhi (Podikkizhi, Elakkizhi, Manjalkkizhi, Narangakkizhi, Njavarakkizhi etc) according to the stage of disease and treatment
  • Local Dhara to reduce pain and inflammation
  • Panchakarma or Sodhana treatment to correct the deranged doshas and reverse the pathology
  • Vasthi for uprooting Vata dosha responsible for the condition at the micro-level
  • Pizhichil for strengthening of muscles
  • Bandhana and Upanaha which includes various bandages
  • Unmardana to reduce stiffness associated with Osteoarthritis
  • Agnikarma for instant relief from pain
  • Lepam, Pichu and localized Vasthi over the affected joints
  • Rasayana therapy to prevent recurrence
  • Ayurvedic medicine administration to sustain the results of external treatments

Are there any restrictions to be followed?

Both dietary & lifestyle intervention are required for complete cure and avoiding recurrence of any disease. In case of Osteoarthritis also, these restrictions are better to be followed. Foods like wheat, meat, green gram, milk, ghee, grapes, garlic, warm water and such foods which are predominantly sweet, sour and salty in taste can be advised generally (there are exceptions according to individual body nature) in Osteoarthritis. Cold foods, excessive drinking of alcohol, curd, dried meat and other foods which are predominantly spicy, astringent and bitter are to be avoided. Our chefs at Back to Roots Ayurveda retreat in Kerala take utmost care in ensuring that the food components support the Ayurvedic treatment. Lifestyle modification also plays a very important role. Sedentary lifestyle along with consumption of junk, processed food increases susceptibility for various diseases one among them being Osteoarthritis. Yoga has been found to be very effective in the treatment of chronic diseases. Various studies have demonstrated effect of Yoga than physical therapy alone, in Osteoarthritis. We offer therapeutic Yoga teachings at our Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala to compliment the healing process.

Since total joint replacement becomes indispensable at an advanced stage, early diagnosis and treatment is crucial. Ayurveda has been very effective in the treatment of osteoarthritis since ages. Bringing deranged Vata dosha to its normalcy and supporting Sleshaka kapha located in

joints helps in management of this condition. Thus administration of proper Ayurvedic treatment modality aids to healing Osteoarthritis conditions.

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